Testavan® Application Guidance
Learn how to use the hands-free applicator

How to use Testavan®
Testavan® application is a quick and simple process for any patient
Testavan® 2% transdermal testosterone gel harnesses unique technology to provide faster absorption and enhanced bioavailability* with a low application volume. Paired with the hands-free applicator to minimise risk of secondary transfer, Testavan® application is a quick and simple process for any patient. [1-4]
Watch a concise overview of how to use and apply Testavan® with the hands-free applicator, along with some frequently asked questions surrounding side effects and what missed doses can be managed.
This video can be used to introduce your patients to the product or as a review tool for yourself.
Testavan®’s core design ensures minimal risk of product transference and ease of use
Testavan® application is a quick and simple process for any patient.
Unintended secondary transfer of testosterone can have detrimental effects of the recipient individuals. Repeated exposure can cause hyperandrogenism, sexual precocity and virilisation.[5]
This risk needs to be minimised and through use of Testavan, you can ensure patients are protecting those around them.
The convenient hands-free applicator ensures no contact of hands with the gel. Further, the low application volume afforded by Testavan®’s high viscosity and demonstrated rapid drug absorption further reduces potential exposure to others. [1-4]
Patients also need to be advised to reduce risk by washing hands immediately after use and covering the application area[s] with clothes after drying. This video can be used to introduce your patients to the product or as a review tool for yourself.

1. Olsson H et al. Clin Pharmacol Drug Dev 2014;3(5):358–364.
2. Arver S et al. Andrology 2018;6(3):396–407.
3. Cunningham G et al. Endocr Pract 2017;23(5):557–565.
4. Testavan® Summary of Product Characteristics. Available from : https://www.medicines.org.uk/emc/product/13936/smpc.Last accessed :August 2022.
5. Michael G. Miller, Alan D. Rogol & Troy L. ZumBrunnen. Current Medical Research and Opinion. 2012. 28:2, 267-269
*Compared with Testogel 1%