
Testavan® is a 2% transdermal testosterone gel and is indicated for the treatment of adult male hypogonadism.[1]

Treatment with Testavan® restores testosterone levels to within the normal range and provides sustained improvements in sexual function, QoL and fatigue while demonstrating a favourable safety and tolerability profiles. [1-4]

Testavan 2% 20mgg testosterone gel bottle packaging

Testavan® restores testosterone levels and alleviates symptoms of hypogonadism. [1-4]

Explore the data on the benefits of Testavan® therapy below.

This normalisation of testosterone was seen in 76% - 86% of men by 3 months. [1][2]

Graph showing how testosterone concentration in blood changes after applying Testavan 2% 20mg/g testosterone gel
Bar chart showing statistically significant improvements in sexual function after applying Testavan 2% 20mg/g testosterone gel

Improved sexual function

Patients experienced improvements in sexual desire, sexual satisfaction and erectile dysfunction with Testavan®.

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Bar graph showing improvements in fatigue symptoms after applying Testavan 2% 20mg/g testosterone gel

Improved symptoms of fatigue

Testavan® demonstrates improvement in fatigue at 3 and 9 months.

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Bar graph showing statistically significant improvements in sexual function after using Testavan 2% 20mg/g testosterone gel

Improved overall QoL

Testavan® offers significant improvements in mental and physical health.

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Testosterone chemical structure

Favourable safety and tolerability profile

Testavan® offers a well-tolerated safety profile and favorable tolerability profile with low incidence of elevated PSA.

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1. Testavan® Summary of Product Characteristics. Available from : https://www.medicines.org.uk/emc/product/13936/smpc . Last accessed : August 2022.
2. Olsson H et al. Clin Pharmacol Drug Dev 2014;3(5):358–364.
3. Arver S et al. Andrology 2018;6(3):396–407.
4. Cunningham G et al. Endocr Pract 2017;23(5):557–565.

QoL = quality of life.

PROMO_1496 Date of Preparation: August 2022