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Assess your symptoms

Assessing your risk of hypogonadism is important, especially as you age, and monitoring your condition when you have been diagnosed will help you measure if your symptoms are improving or not.

By assessing risk or monitoring your condition yourself, you will be able to have more productive and useful conversations with your doctor.

Below we have four assessments which you can use at home. If you have any concerns, please speak to your doctor.

Man dressed as doctor with stethoscope smiling
Man in his late middle age smiling

Please note, these tests do not provide a diagnosis of testosterone deficiency. They can, however, be used as tools to assess your overall health and provide indication that you may have testosterone deficiency. Further tests will be carried out by your doctor if they feel they are needed to confirm any diagnosis. [1-4]


1. Heinemann L, et al. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2003; 1: 15
2. Lunenfeld B, et al. Aging Male. 2015; 18(1): 5–15.
3. Morley J et al. Metabolism. 2000;49(9):1239-42
4. Kumar et al. J Adv Pharm Technol Res. 2010. 1(3): 297–301.

ADAM = Androgen Deficiency Aging Males, AMS = Aging Males’ Symptoms, BMI = body mass index.

INFO_1521 Date of Preparation: August 2022